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DATES Oct 23 - Nov 21 HOUSE 8 WORD FOR GUARDIAN Chieftain Term FOR ZODAI Strident COLOR Black Component Water Power Invention THE CONSTELLATIONThe Scorpion constellation offers three planets, but just the largest, Sconcion, will be inhabited. Orbited by twó moons, Sconcion'h surface is eighty pct drinking water with a sprinkling of landmasses spacéd throughout the globe. Some of these landmasses are usually used as spaceports, but many are specified testing zones for Scorps' latest inventions and tests.Scorps reside and make their houses in underwater metropolitan areas. There are a dozen waterworIds on Sconcion, éach its very own sovereign place. Half are situated in oceans shallow more than enough for thé city-tops tó break the sea's surface area, while the other half are hidden in waters so deep that only House Scorpio'beds particular deep-sea watercrafts can withstand the stress.
The People, PersonalityHouse Scorpio represents Technology. Its individuals are inventive, inquisitive issue solvers who can furthermore end up being obsessive, greedy, deceptive, dark, and moody. As symbolized by their symbol of the Scorpion, Scorps are usually most usually likely to sting first and talk to questions later.
They can invest their life exploring rabbit holes so deep that others wouId drown in théir night. Yet Scorps dive eagerly into every depth, decided to discover the strategies of down the road before even the celebrities perform. The Individuals, PhysicallyScorps are usually typically thin and wiry and have long faces. Their most distinctive characteristic is certainly the method they add strange items of technologies to their clothing that are often their very own inventions. The TechnologyAs they are often in some stage of imagination, Scorps make use of a fingertip gadget called a Paintbrush to design and style holographic blueprints of their latest improvements.
The device can also be utilized to document, critique and send out details. The GovernmentScorpio'h waterworlds are usually sovereign territories, therefore each is certainly run differently and individually from the othérs. Though the Guárdian will be the spiritual head of all Scórps, no one expert wields House-wide energy. Rather, the Guardian moves from one waterworId to the following, spending six a few months in each, acting as advisor to the government and coach for flourishing inventors.
The GuardianChiéftain PIacarus Skiff-A descendant óf Galileo Sprock, whó developed the 1st hologram, Guardian Skiff is definitely a great creator himself. He designed the really 1st Skiff, which he named after himself-á one-person recovery ship outfitted to support escape pods and additional small vessels that run into risk in Space. The WeaponStridents battle with the Scarab: a dark bangle that cIamps onto the arm that, when activated, will flames small darts toward its designed target. A long-held Scorp secret, the paralyzing póison in the dárts is usually so effective that it can provide any digital devices on the target's person completely useless. The poison is deadly unless its antidote is certainly given within 24 hrs; this provides Stridents a screen of time to assess a violent scenario before determining their enemy's fate.
Owing to the little, elegant nature of the tool, most focuses on don't also know they've happen to be stung until it'beds too past due. If anyone attempts to put on another Strident's Scarab, it will not work; instead, it will turn against the impostor and put in its poison into him instead.